For a while I printed out the blank sheet music like the free ones at LinkwareGraphics and manually wrote the score on them - boy it was not easy.
Then I landed on this article: on writing sheet music with OpenOffice. This is really exciting. I am going to experiment more and let you know if I was able to print sheet music. In the meanwhile you too give it a try.
A'right - I downloaded Lilypond on Ubuntu - Ubuntu has a package already available so all I had to do was to choose Lilypond from Synoptic Package Manager and install. That's it.
I then opened a text file ( and entered the following in it:
\header {
title = "Suttum Vizhi Chudarae"
composer = "Composer: Haris Jeyaraj"
subtitle = "Movie: Ghajini"
meter = "Scale: Cm"
\chords {
c1:m r1 c1:m r1
c1:m r1 g:m
\relative c' {
c4 dis dis c dis f f g c, dis dis c dis f f g
f f g g g f g f dis d r2
\addlyrics {
sut -- tum vi -- zhi chu -- da -- ra -- e, sut -- tum vi -- zhi chu -- da -- ra -- e
en -- nu -- la -- gam un -- nai sut -- ru -- dh -- ae
Then I ran the command "lilypond" from a Unix shell prompt to get a test.pdf file with the sheet music - see the screen shot below.
As per the instructions in one of the above Web links, I downloaded OOoLilyPond-0.4.0.oxt - the OpenOffice Extender and installed it too, but I didn't have to use it to generate the sheet music.