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Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Book review. Hmmm... Book mention!

When looking through the new books I saw "101 Social media tactics for nonprofits - a field guide" by Melanie Mathos and Chad Norman. This book is a real treasure trove if you want to harness the power of social media. From whatever little I browsed through I seem to like this book. Will post more on this later. (

How to be a wedding photographer?

Recently one of my friends was planning to cover a wedding and was looking for all the major events to shoot. He stumbled on
Explore the site further under the "learn" pull-down. There are lots of tips.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Nikon D800

Monday, April 9, 2012


Here's me slippping in a technical/programming blog after a long while.
Of late I have been working on designing a really user friendly framework to invoke services while using OAut2.0. While I was at it I was introduced to this really nice tool. Check out Curlish - it shows the OAuth 2.0 dance in action; pretty neat!