A lot of innovative tools have been cropping around. I know you all would have used some of these at some point.The following are a few interesting tools:
- Use jsfiddle.net if you want to write a small snippet and ask a question based on it - say for example you need to show others the JavaScipt that is misbehaving you can use this.
- browser-sync is a tool that aids rapid development. Open sublimetext and type away your HTML, CSS and JavaScript and then view the output on the browser window of BrowserSync. Of course you need to have node.js and npm to install browser sync.
browser-sync start --server . --directory -files "*"
- codepen.io is similar to JSFiddle but have a few more features.
- Of course here are some cool stuff... css-ticks.com
- If at somepoint you are wondering which feature is supported by which browser, then go to caniuse.com to findout.
- Here is a validatior validator.w3.org to verify if your HTML is ... well... valid.
Not so useful as the above but still...here is a site that shows which browser is popular.
Let me know if you have used any useful tools.
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